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Adilio is a student and community organizer from Lima who took part in promoting the World March in Peru. He shared her testimonio during a World March concert in Campo de Marte, Lima (Transcription and English translation below):

Colombian radio host and composer JM Sánchez followed the march from Bogotá to Punta de Vacas, Argentina. He represented the organization Seres de Paz and travelled as part of the Viajer@s por la Paz. While waiting to cross into…

. Martha is a Christian Science practitioner and healer from the United States. She was active in various World march events in New York City throughout the three months of the initiative. On Oct 2nd 2009 she was the one of the religious leaders who…

. Sara, an NGO worker from Wisconsin, USA, joined the World March activities in New York City. She shared her account of the March during the Ceremony of Reconciliation at Ground Zero hosted by March organizers and Families for Peaceful Tomorrow…