Browse Items (105 total)

The March and Me
"En el camino de la vida de cada persona se le presentan circumstancias que lo ayudan a convertirse en quien es. De ésta manera llego a la marcha en mi vida personal, y aunque tengo claro que los cambios no se producen de manera…

The March and Me
"Este acto de resistencia es importante para mi formación como sujeto político. Participar en la marcha, tomando conciencia de los problemas actuales en terminos de guerras, agresiones, armamentos, ocupaciones, invasiones,…

The March and me
"My brother, Don Greene, died in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. He was a passenger aboard United Flight 93. The organizations September 11th Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow (www.peaceful and the International Network…

The March and Me
"I haven't seen violence in the time I have been living in the US, besides reading it or seeing it on the news. However, when I travel to Guatemala, I can. Certain events occur in the streets or even w[ith] higher officials. I…

The March and me
"I just learned of [The World March] a few days ago through a facebook link somewhere. I have long felt our world would be better if everyone "simply" agreed to be at peace. I saw a bumper sticker years ago that said "It will be a…