Shayuri Gárnica

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  • Shayuri Gárnica

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Shayuri Gárnica


Testimonio about the World March


Shayiru was one of the Colombian university students who came together under the name of Viajer@s por la Paz and accompanied the March from Bogotá to its end point in Punta de Vacas, Argentina. She shared the following testimonio while waiting at the Colombian customs office to attend a WM rally for binational cooperation at Ecuador border
(Transcription and English translation below):

La Marcha  y Yo. “Siempre estuve interesada en la lucha por la no violencia; de pequeña veía las noticias y era peor que ver una película de terror porque sabía que era la realidad. Y me preguntaba por qué las personas son capaces de hacer tanto daño a otras. Debe haber una solución para que las personas no actúen de esa forma.
Hace un año que pertenezco a la corporación Humanista y gracias a ello me adhiero a la marcha por la paz y la no violencia.”
La Marcha y el Mundo. “[La March] es un paso grandísimo para generar conciencia de que es muy absurdo ser violento. Es un gran paso para organizarnos en la lucha contra la violencia. ¡No más dinero para la guerra! ¡Más dinero para la educación! ¡No más peleas entre naciones!”
La Marcha y el Futuro. “Contribuimos a un mundo pacífico y conciente  de que debemos cuidar la humanidad y la naturaleza.”
Otros Temas. “Respeto por los derechos humanos. Amor, alimento espiritual y material, salud, educación, trabajo.”

The March and I. “I was always interested in the struggle for non violence; as a girl I would watch the news and it was worse than a horror movie because I knew it was reality. And I would wonder why people are capable of causing so much pain to others. There must be a solution so that people won’t act this way. It is a year since I belong to the humanist organization and thanks to this I support the march for peace and nonviolence.”
The March and the World. “[The March] is a huge step towards generation wareness that being violent is very much absurd. It is a great step towards organizing in the struggle against violence. No more money for war! More money for education! No more fights among nations!”
The March and the Future. “We contribute towards a peaceful world that is aware of our duty to take care of humanity and nature.”
Other topics
. “Respect of human rights. Love, spiritual and material nourishment, health, education, work.”


Shayuri & Memoscopio




written testimonio


Spanish with English translation



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Shayuri Garnica Jara, age 24, graphic communicator, WM supporter and marcher with the VIajeros por la Paz in the Colombia-Argentina route.


Colombian Customs, Rumichaca International Bridge, Colombia-Ecuador border.



Shayuri & Memoscopio, "Shayuri Gárnica ," in Memoscopio Digital Archive, Item #1642, (accessed February 23, 2025).