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  • Sisirk

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Testimonio about the World March


Sisirk, a student, journalist, and activist, marched as part of the Viajer@s por la Paz, from her city Bogota to the March's end point in Punta de Vacas, Argentina. She shared the following video testimonio during a bus through Peru. A few days earlier she had shared the written testimonio below while waiting at the Colombian customs office to attend a WM rally for binational cooperation at Ecuador border
(Transcription and English translation below):

Video testimonio


Written testimonio

La Marcha  y Yo.  Desde donde estaba trabajando la marcha mundial parecía algo que pertenecía a los otros,  [y] al conocer el termino 'equipo base' se hacía [algo] aún más lejano. Luego conocí la iniciativa del equipo de Colombia de viajar de manera paralela al equipo base y la idea de conocer las otras maneras en que viven la paz otras personas. Los entornos y espacios que convocan a la gente a marchar, a caminar por un objetivo. Alguien decía que no se hace responsable que este viaje cambie mi vida... es cierto que la única responsable soy yo.
La Marcha y el Mundo. En el mundo estamos y por la marcha vamos. Intentando cambiar el mundo [y] cambiando nosotros mismos; con el sueño de algún individuo que se lo contagió a muchos. Los gobiernos responden de manera amable ante el paso de los marchantes.  [O]jalá así respondieran ante el desarme, ojalá de manera consecuente. No sólo con recibimientos y actos simbólicos. ACCIONES INMEDIATAS.
The March and I.  From where I was working the world march seemed like something that belonged to others, upon learning the term 'base team' it seemed even further.  Then I learned about the initiative of the team from Colombia to travel in parallel fashion to the base team and the idea  of learning about the way other people live peace motivated me. The contexts and the spaces that bring people to march, the walk for an objective. Someone said that they  were not responsible to make sure this trip changes my life… it is true that the  only one responsible for that is me.  
La Marcha y el Mundo. In the world we are and thorugh the march we go. Attempting to change the world [and] changing ourselves; with the dream of one individual which he passed on to others. Governments respond in a kind manner to the passing of the marchers. I wish they responded like that to disarmament, in a consecuential way.  Not just receptions and symbolic acts. IMMEDIATE ACTIONS. 


Sisirk & Memoscopio




video and written testimonio


Spanish and english translation



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Memoscopio Team


Sisirk, age 22, Colombian student, WM supporter and marcher with Viajeros por la Paz and WM base team during the Colombia-Argentina route.


Bus of Viajeros Por la Paz, Mancora-Lima, Peru.
Colombian Customs, Rumichaca International Bridge, Colombia-Ecuador border (writing)



Sisirk & Memoscopio, "Sisirk ," in Memoscopio Digital Archive, Item #452, (accessed November 22, 2024).