. Tania, a longtime humanist, was one of the organizers of the World March in Mendoza. She shared her experience of the March weeks before the arrival of the March in Mendoza: (transcription and translation below):
. Albert is a union lawyer and health rights activist from Colombia. He shared his testimony while crossing the line of the Equator. He later asked to recite a poem while waiting in Tumbes for a bus to Lima. Heargues that health rights belong in the…
Montserrat, was the oldest member of the World March base team, the group of volunteers who completed the 96 days of marching around the World. She shared her testimonio after the Blessing Ceremony by the Amautas of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. In the third…
. Shiela is a New York area peace activist. She shared her account of the experiences at the start of a day of activities in NYC, during a rally at the Brooklyn Borough Hall (transcription and translation below):