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. Magalí, a teacher and humanist, was one of the organizers of the World March in Mendoza. She shared her experience of the March weeks before the arrival of the March in Mendoza: (transcription and translation below):…

Transcription (Spanish)Así que está esta Marcha que algo ayudará a crear conciencia, pero la Marcha termina el día 2 de enero en este Parque Punta de Vacas donde estamos reunidos, Ah? ocasionalmente,…

. Bibiana is a Colombian student and activist who helped coordinate the group of Colombian marchers known as Viajer@s por la Paz. During the first stop in the journey to Argentina, Bibiana spoke about representing Colombia during a reception with…

. Albert is a union lawyer and health rights activist from Colombia. He shared his testimony while crossing the line of the Equator. He later asked to recite a poem while waiting in Tumbes for a bus to Lima. Heargues that health rights belong in the…