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. Cristóbal is a local leader and cultural organizer from Peru. He hosted the international marchers held a teach-in about what ancient astronomy can teach the world today about north-south relations. Cristobal’s testimony invites…

Transcription (Spanish)Tengo solo dos cositas, bueno tres…voy a ser breve. Porque si no me pierdo. Es un gran honor estar compartiendo con este equipo base de la Marcha Mundial es este recorrido que como bien sabéis esta…

Magaly is a member of the humanist movement in Santiago de Chile who traveled as part of the World March Base Team. In that capacity, she shared her experiences of the journey at the concert at the Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi (English…

. Bibiana is a Colombian student and activist who helped coordinate the group of Colombian marchers known as Viajer@s por la Paz. During the first stop in the journey to Argentina, Bibiana spoke about representing Colombia during a reception with…