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Moments of the World March

Concert in Campo de Marte, Lima

World March in Lima, Peru Item Link















On December 21 2009, Memoscopio, the base team, and the Viajeros por la Paz arrived in the Capital of Peru, Lima, after a long trip from Quito. After negotiating a bus for 50 marchers to travel to La Paz later that day, local activists took the travelers to the activities that had been organized in Lima that day. The main event was a concert in Campo de Marte, a famous urban park in Lima. The testimonios we feature here were shared during that concert by nine local organizers of the World March.

In this set of testimonios, like many others within this exhibit, shows how important emotion was in the experience of marchers. The word 'conmoción' comes seems most appropriate. This word in Spanish speaks of an affective 'moving with' the march, with the dream, with the other marchers.  Conmoverse with the March is an active, embodied experience. It is the same as being touched by the march, which implies emotion is an outcome of the march, as opposed to central practice.  In these testimonios, as in many others, we see marchers use their accounts to express how emotion, inspiration, tears of joy, frustration, etc are all part of the psychological, physical, and embodied act of 'moving with' a movement and the possible future it proposes. It is moving with a march and becoming emotionally connected to other organizations, places, and causes in places far and close, as the march goes through them.

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