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Moments of the World March

Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta

  • Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta

Dublin Core


Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta


Testimonio about the World March


Juan Pablo is a Chilean supporter of the World March who shared his testimonio during the concert at the Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi
(English translation below):


Hi, my name is Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta (I always honor my father and mother [with my last names]). I will speak about the March and I. The first time I was approached by the organizers  was in an act where we were creating a human peace flag. They invited me to participate and since then I [have been] connected. In any case, in the path of awakening one realizes that every step one takes in life is part of an ongoing walk in peace. From that ongoing walk I proclaim the victory of peace. I do this from the consciousness of knowing that this awakening is collective, is massive, is how this time is manifesting itself around the entire planet and also irradiating towards the entire universe.  I believe this initiative, as all initiatives for a new awareness and for the expansion of this message, moves towards a more essential information.  And that essential information is that we are all one, we are all a single unit. Although perceiving difference is useful to see the beauty of the world and oneself, these differences should always be perceived from a consciousness of unity. So,  this understanding [that] we are all the same, you and I, the person seeing this, this moment, all moments, a single one; that magnificent reality -in order to be understood and accepted, to obtain the discipline and be able to face it and create the world that we deserve as a unity that decides everything- necessitates that we listen to the grandparents who preserve traditions, traditions that carry timeless knowledge. That knowledge implies accepting that we live a dream. That is what I can tell you about the March. I feel that it always brings us to that essential reflection about what we are, where we are headed. [Knowing] where we come from is the cure for knowing where we are headed, [for knowing] the present, the now, and for understanding that we are one mind and one heart. To vibrate with this understanding is every instant's challenge, and that is how we celebrate. 


juan pablo & memoscopio







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Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta, age 39, creator of trust, Chilean, organizer of WM events.


Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi (ex-torture center), Santiago, Chile


juan pablo & memoscopio, "Juan Pablo Lazo Ureta ," in Memoscopio Digital Archive, Item #852, (accessed February 23, 2025).