María Cristina
- María Cristina
Dublin Core
María Cristina
Testimonio about the World March
As a college student, María Cristina (Colombia) followed the March from Bogotá to Punta de Vacas, Argentina, as part of the Viajeros por la Paz. She wrote down the following testimonio while waiting at the Colombian customs office to attend a WM rally for binational cooperation at Ecuador border (English translation below):
La Marcha y Yo. "Este acto de resistencia es importante para mi formación como sujeto político. Participar en la marcha, tomando conciencia de los problemas actuales en terminos de guerras, agresiones, armamentos, ocupaciones, invasiones, regimenes autoritarios, que son la evidencia que el ser humano y las naciones han tomado la violencia como medio y también como fin. De manera que participando en esta marcha reafirmo mi posición en contra del uso de la violencia y en favor de la paz, la libertad y la democracia."
La Marcha y el Mundo. "Considero que como parte de un mundo globalizado en donde todas las personas con acceso a medios de comunicación como la internet pueden tener conexión, la Marcha [Mundial] es un escenario propicio para aprovechar estas condiciones y a través de ella --sin importar el idioma, raza, edad, país-- todos podamos contrubuir a través de una comunidad y entregar un mensaje de Paz y No violencia que conlleve por lo tanto, a través de este acto simbólico, un legado que para más adelante signifique el inicio de un movimiento pacifista y a través de los canales de comunicación comenzar a dejar una huella de presión hacia la eliminación de las guerras."
The March and Me. "Participating in the march is an act of resistance [that] is important to my formation as a political agent [by] gaining awareness about current problems regarding wars, aggressions, armaments, occupations, invasions [and] authoritarian regimes, which are the evidence that human beings and nations have taken violence as a means and also as an end, so it is through my participation in this march that I reaffirm my position against the use of violence and in favor of peace, freedom and democracy."
The March and the World. "I think that as part of a globalized world, in which all people with access to means of communication such as the internet can be connected, the March is a propitious stage to make the most of these conditions so that through it, regardless of language, race, age, and country, we may all contribute through a community and deliver a message of Peace and Nonviolence. [A message] that carries, through this symbolic act, a legacy that later on may signify the start of a pacifist movement that through the channels of communication began to leave a footprint of pressure towards the elimination of wars."
María cristina & Memoscopio
written testimonio
Spanish with English translation
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María Cristina, age 22, Colombian, student, supporter and marcher with Viajeros por la Paz in the Colombia-Argentina route.
Colombian Customs, Rumichaca International Bridge, Colombia-Ecuador border.
María cristina & Memoscopio, "María Cristina ," in Memoscopio Digital Archive, Item #352, (accessed February 23, 2025).