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Moments of the World March

Rally at the Colombia-Ecuador border


Lecaneiba is a Colombian teacher who followed the march from Bogotá to Punta de Vacas, Argentina, as part of the Viajer@s por la Paz.  She wrote down the following testimonio while waiting at the Colombian customs office to attend a WM rally for binational cooperation at Ecuador border
(English translation below):

La Marcha  y Yo
. “Soy educadora y por tal razón tengo que enfrentarme a la violencia intrafamiliar, la violencia de los jovenes y se tiene que buscar estrategias para mejorar la convivencia en todo sentido.”
La Marcha y el Mundo. “El mundo esta convulsionado, en guerra y conflicto; la marcha hace un llamado a los gobiernos del mundo para que contribuyan al desarme y a invertir los dineros de la guerra para el bienestar de la poblacion en general.

The March and I.
“I am educator and for this reason I must confront domestic violence, young people’s violence, and strategies much be sought out to improve the relationships [convivencia] in every way.”
The March and the World.“The world is convulsing, in war and conflict; the march makes a call to the governments of the world so that they contribute to disarmament and to invest the moneys of war towards the wellbeing of the general population.”
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