- Veronika
Dublin Core
Testimonio about the World March
Veronika, a college students from Colombia, followed the march from Bogotá to Punta de Vacas, Argentina, as part of the Viajeros por la Paz. She wrote down the following testimonio while waiting at the Colombian customs office to attend a WM rally for binational cooperation at Ecuador border (English translation below):
La Marcha y Yo. “En el camino de la vida de cada persona se le presentan circumstancias que lo ayudan a convertirse en quien es. De esta manera llego a la marcha en mi vida personal, y aunque tengo claro que los cambios no se producen de manera instantánea, las metas se consiguen dando pasos que nos acerquen a lo que queremos. Todos los cambios mundiales se producen por que cada persona cambia internamente y contribuye a la transformación.”
La Marcha y el Mundo. “En un mundo globalizado en el cual vistes ropa de china, comes alimentos de latinoamerica, y tomas vino de Europa es imposible considerar que los derechos humanos son para unos pocos. Constantemente se alardea del avance que ha generado la Democracia, no obstante sólo las mayorías toman las decisiones, así que pues considero es uno en el que aún las minorías pueden opinar y ser tomadas en cuenta. Así mismo considero que el objetivo de la marcha es dejar una huella en las personas de cada uno de los paises que recorrios, para conseguir una paz sin fronteras, concientizar a las personas que la violencia no es una solucion , por el contrario es la riaz de todos los problemas.”
The March and I. “In the path of life each person faces circumstances that help her become who she is. In this way I arrive at the march in my personal life, and although it is clear to me that changes don’t take place instantaneously, our goals can be reached taking steps that place us closer to what we want. All world-level changes take place because each person changes internally and contributes to this transformation.
The March and the World. “In a globalized world in which you wear Chinese clothes, eat Latin American foods, and drink wine from Europe, it is impossible that human rights could be considered only for a few. Constantly we brag about the advances generated by democracy. However, only majorities make the decisions, so what I consider better is when minorities can state an opinion and be taken into account. Similarly, I consider that the objective of the march is to leave an imprint on the people of each of the countries that were visited to obtain a peace without frontiers, to raise awareness [i.e., concientizar] within people that violence is not a solution; on the contrary, it is the root of all problems.”
Veronika & Memoscopio
Written testimonio
Spanish with English translation
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Veronika, age 19, Colombian, student, WM supporter and marcher with Viajeros por la Paz in the Colombia-Argentina route.
Colombian Customs, Rumichaca International Bridge, Colombia-Ecuador border.
Veronika & Memoscopio, "Veronika ," in Memoscopio Digital Archive, Item #362, (accessed January 22, 2025).