Early on Dec. 17 2009 the World Marc arrived at the Colombia-Ecuador Border. The presence of Colombian singer Juanes at the binational ceremony for reconciliation drew large crowds. A few months earlier the singer had celebrated a concert at the border in response to scrimages among the countries' armed forces. The scenen was one of excitement and chaos as World March participats and fans marched over the Rumichaca Bridge, moving between cargo trucks. Paradoxically, many of the Colombian Viajeros por la Paz missed the binational rally due to the long waiting time at the Colombian customs.
Here we feature the testimonios of sixteen marchers, shared at the border during their second stop in their journey from Bogota to Argentina. Earlier that morning, the Viajeros had arrived from Armenia to Ipiales, after travelling all night in a bus that broke down before dawn.
These Viajer@s, many of them university students, speak of the personal commitments, and the personal and political journeys, involved in the March. They also examine the many identities mobilized by the journey, such as global citizen, Colombian citizen, political actor, activist, dreamer, and believer in social change, to mention a few. These marchers speak to their local contexts but also address imagined allies around the world and all political leaders who have failed to stand for peace. The context of the border makes for provocative reflections about alternative forms of citizenship, community, and nation. Through these reflections, the marchers narrate possibilities for moving from a lack of vision to active engagement; from violent revolution to nonviolent conflict; and from seeing oneself as a Colombian citizen to enacting global citizenship.